EFT Keys/Lab Keycards Guide with spawn locations
An in-depth Guide to all Keys obtainable in Escape from Tarkov
Escape from Tarkov Keys Guide
With detailed EfT Keys descriptions, Spawn Maps, and Scav Key drops
When it comes to locked-off areas in the Escape of Tarkov, there is a general rule that says: If the doors were locked, they must have been worth locking. The best loot on each of the maps is often hidden in areas that can't be accessed without an appropriate Key. This means that you should always have the best EfT keys for an appropriate map, in your secure container, during Raids if you don't want to rely on winning PvP encounters as the only source of loot. With access to the best unlockable loot spots, you will be able to turn even the worst and the most boring raids into lucrative ones. Information is the key (no pun intended) and learning as much as possible about locations of keys and locked areas will enable you to greatly increase the amount of loot you bring from your Raids. It is also worth remembering that using keys is not the only way of profiting from them... finding and selling keys is also a great way of making substantial amounts of money in the Escape from Tarkov.
There are over a hundred Keys in the game and dozens of them unlock places that are worth looting, which complicates things a bit, as it is easy to confuse keys or the areas that they unlock. This is why we have compiled the available information about most of the Tarkov Keys so that you can quickly search for the ones that are of particular interest to you.
How to use our Guide effectively? -To quickly browse through EfT Keys featured in our Guide, press Ctrl+F and search for the Key you are interested in; all Key names were written in the same way as there are named in-game. Every featured Key has a number, that is also present on a corresponding map, marking its spawn location; Right-clicking on a map and pressing "Open Image in New Window" will open the full-sized version of a map.
Key Spawns Map of Customs |
- East Wing Room 310 Key [San.310].
- Where to find it? - There are two spawn locations of this key on Customs: 1 - at the Crossroads Extraction point in the blue van (front seat); 2 - Customs's trailer park, inside the bus, on a seat. (Both marked as "1" on our map).
- What does it open? - Room 310 on the third floor of Health Resort's East Wing, Shoreline.
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - Some loose loot, like Jewelry and Bitcoins. The room also contains two Sport Bag spawns.
- Unknown Key [Unk. key].
- Where to find it? - Behind the "Welcome to Tarkov" truck, in the bushes, inside a body.
- What does it open? - Cabin in Customs's Crane Yard (east side of the map).
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - The key is used for "The Extortionist" Quest and area that it opens will be empty unless you are on the quest (if the quest is active, there will be "Secure case for documents 0048" inside).
- Key to OLI Logistics Department Office [Log. Office].
- Where to find it? - Inside a blue car located near Shortcut on Customs (look in the trunk). Marked as "3" on the map.
- What does it open? - OLI logistics office (inside OLI's office corridor) in the shopping mall on the Interchange.
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - Some loose loot and a PC Block that can spawn some electronics (CPU, DVD, RAM, CPU Fan, etc.).
- Key to EMERCOM Medical Unit [MES].
- Where to find it? - Close to the "Big" Gas Station, inside an Ambulance; hop inside from the back and look for it on a seat. Look for "4" on our map.
- What does it open? - The Medical Care Unit of the shopping mall on the Interchange (first floor, northern side, next to Stars, near TTS).
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - Mainly medical supplies (inside 3 Medbags, and lying loose), some Rare Items, and a Jacket loot container.
- Key to Goshan Cash Register [Goshan].
- Where to find it? - Close to the "new" Gas Station, inside the white bus that was used as a roadblock. The bus is marked with "5" on our map.
- What does it open? - Cash Registers inside the Goshan (front part of the store); the western part of the Shopping Mall, First Floor, on the Interchange.
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - Registers contain Roubles (from 560 to 1150) and there are 30 of them in Goshan.
- The Key to the Gas Station Storage Room [Storage].
- Where to find it? - Gas Station's Office located at the end of the hallway, on the right-hand side. The Cabinet Key is needed to open the Office (you can get it from Drawers or Scavs). Marked as 6 on the map.
- What does it open? - Gas Station's storage room at the start of the hallway (first door on the right).
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - Some medical supplies that can spawn inside the Medbag and the Medcase that can be found there.
- East Wing Room 306 Key [San. 306].
- Where to find it? - Gas Station's Office located at the end of the hallway, on the right-hand side. It can also spawn in the Tarcine Director's Office. Both spawns are on Customs.
- What does it open? - Room 306 on the third floor of Health Resort's East Wing, on the Shoreline map.
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - A Backpack, 4x PC Block Spawn, some loose Cash, a (4x4) Weapon Box, and very rarely DVL-10.
- Dorm Room 114 Key [114 Key].
- Where to find it? - At the Customs Checkpoint. Search the Jacket that lays inside a trunk of the blue car.
- What does it open? - Room 114 on the first floor of the two-story dorm building on Customs.
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - Some loose loot, a PC Block, a Medcase, and a Safe.
- Dorm Room 220 Key [Room 220 Key].
- Where to find it? - In a Train Car located just behind the Rail Crossover in the eastern side of Customs. Look for it under a pile of clothes.
- What does it open? - Room 220 on the second floor of the three-story dorm building on Customs.
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - Quest Items for "Chemical - Part 2", some Cash, a Duffle Bag, Jacket that can contain the Marked Key, and the Key ZB-014.
- Factory Exit Key [Factory Key].
- Where to find it? - There are three spawn locations: 1 - It can sometimes spawn behind the Old Gas Station on Customs, next to a Concrete Ring, on the ground; 2 - Inside the three-story dorms, in the Guard's office, on a table (look next to the TV); 3 - In the "Morgue" building located south of the smokestacks, eastern side of the Customs's factory zone. The Key is commonly found in a second and third location ("10" on the map).
- What does it open? - Multiple locks: 1 - Two sets of Doors to the Guard Building in Customs's Crane Yard, near the new gas station; 2 - Two extraction points on the Factory map (Gate 0 and Cellars) and a Locked Room located next to Factory Office on the Factory map (third floor).
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - on Factory: Cellars and Gate 0 extraction points, a weapon spawn, some loose loot, and a Portable cabin key of customs Factory Zone. On Customs: some loose loot, a lootable wooden crate and four lootable sets of Drawers.
- Military Base Checkpoint Key [Checkpoint].
- Where to find it? - In the Boiler Building/"Morgue", located on the eastern side of the Customs map, inside the body of a Dead Scav (hence building's nickname - "Morgue").
- What does it open? - The locked door located at the military checkpoint, at the end of Customs's main road.
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - Some random ammo inside two Wooden ammo boxes, some Grenades, and a Weapon Rack.
- Dorm Room 110 Key [110 Key].
- Where to find it? - Inside a Warehouse, south of the Customs Checkpoint, on the eastern side of Customs map.
- What does it open? - Room 110 on the first floor of the two-story dorm building on Customs.
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - A Safe, a Diary (on the bed), a Secure Flash Drive, and a Fuel Conditioner.
- Machinery Key [Key].
- Where to find it? - Room 205 on the second floor of the three-story dorm building on Customs, inside the brown Jacket.
- What does it open? - The door of the Fuel Truck parked in the Customs's construction area (it works from the driver's side only).
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - The "Checking" Quest location - if the quest is active, a "Bronze pocket watch on a chain" will spawn inside the truck's cabin, on the floor.
- Key ZB-014 [ZB-014].
- Where to find it? - Room 220 on the second floor of the three-story dorm building on Customs, on the desk.
- What does it open? - Locked room in the bunker located on the eastern side of the Woods map. The "ZB-014" extraction point is located inside the locked area.
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - Some loose loot, 60-round 6L31 magazines, a (5x5) Weapon Box. Extraction point - If there are green flares outside of the bunker, the "ZB-014" extraction point is active and can be used to end a Raid.
- Dorm Room 104 Key [104 Key].
- Where to find it? - The two-story dorm building on Customs, in a key cabinet at the Dorm Guard Desk room, first floor near the main entrance. Marked as "15" on our map. The [Gdesk] key is needed to access the area (marked as "16").
- What does it open? - Room 104 on the first floor of the two-story dorm building on Customs (inside the fenced-off area that can be accessed only through the first floor south door).
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - Two lootable Jackets and a lootable Toolbox.
- Dorm Guard Desk Key [Gdesk].
- Where to find it? - On the first floor of the two-story dorm building on Customs, inside the shower room, in the hand of a Dead Scav.
- What does it open? - The Guard Desk Room inside the two-story dorms on Customs, located on the first floor near the main entrance.
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - Two Wooden ammo boxes, a (6x3) Weapon Box, a Weapon Rack, and a Key Cabinet that can spawn the Dorm Room 104 Key.
- RB-ORB3 Key [RB-ORB3].
- Where to find it? - Inside a crashed UN Humvee, that is located closest to the main bridge, on the front passenger seat. The key location is marked with "17" on our Customs map. This key can also spawn on the Killa.
- What does it open? - A door on the second floor of the East Barracks on Reserve (north end of the building).
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - Two lootable Drawers, some loose loot (mods and ammo), and three Weapon Racks that can spawn AK 74 series of rifles.
- Dorm Room 214 Key [Room 214 Key].
- Where to find it? - The western side of the Customs Map, inside of one of the garages (the one with number 88 written on it), between some pallets. The location was marked as "18" on our Customs map.
- What does it open? - Room 214 on the second floor of the three-story Dorm building on the Customs map.
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - Some loose loot, a Safe, and a Dorm Room 203 Key spawn.
- Dorm Room 203 Key [Room 203 Key].
- Where to find it? - Room 214 on the second floor of the three-story Dorm building on the Customs map, inside of the Red Mug.
- What does it open? - Room 203 on the second floor of the three-story Dorm building on the Customs map.
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - A single lootable Sports Bag.
Key Spawns Map of Factory |
- West Wing Room 306 Key [San.306].
- Where to find it? - On the second floor of the Factory map, in the locker room near the Showers. (inside one of the lockers). Marked as "1" on our Factory map.
- What does it open? - Room 306 on the third floor of Health Resort's West Wing, on the Shoreline map.
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - An M4A1 Weapon spawn, two lootable Scav bodies, and some loose loot (Cast and medical supplies).
- Portable Cabin Key of Customs Factory Zone [Key].
- Where to find it? - On the third floor of the Factory map: inside the locked room next to the Factory's office (on the ground, under a jacket). The Factory exit key is needed to access the area. Marked as 2 on the map.
- What does it open? - A door to a portable cabin (second story) between the Customs's construction area and the bus depot. This is a quest area for the "Bad Rep Evidence" Quest.
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - A single (5x2) Weapon Box.
- Dorm Room 204 Key [Room 204 Key].
- Where to find it? - On the third floor of the Factory map: inside the locked room next to the Factory's office, in the Jacket (3% drop chance). The Factory exit key is needed to access the area. Marked as 3 on the map.
- What does it open? - Room 204 on the second floor of the three-story dorm building on Customs.
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - Some loose loot, a Safe, and a Weapons Locker.
- Key to Utility Room of Power Substation [Pow. Ut.].
- Where to find it? - The ground floor of the Factory, in the "forklift" room, inside a Blue Locker that stands close to one of the walls. Marked as number 4 on our Factory map.
- What does it open? - The Utility Room inside the Power Substation located on the Interchange map. The Substation is located west of the Idea Store, close to the Power Plant Extraction point (north-western part of the map).
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - A (5x2) Weapon Box, a lootable Wooden Crate, and an MP-153 Semi-Automatic Shotgun.
Key Spawns Map of Interchange |
- Key to KIBA Store Outlet {KIBA].
- Where to find it? - There are three spawn locations for this key (all are marked as "1" on our Interchange map): 1 - In the Goshan Store, at the campsite, near one of the tents (on a Book). 2 - The Interchange's Parking Garage, inside of a tent pitched in the Parking's "B" area. 3 - Power Substation area, located west of the Idea Store, close to the Power Plant Extraction point (north-western part of the Interchange map).
- What does it open? - KIBA Store's first door (second can't be opened with this key). KIBA Store is located on the first floor of the shopping mall, near the mall's center (next to "Pretty Lights" close to "Brutal").
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - A second closed set of doors (Grate Door) that can be opened with the "Key to KIBA Outlet Grate Door". If you have both keys, insides of KIBA contain: Many Weapon Spawns, multiple possible Armor Spawns, Helmet Spawns, Two Cash Registers, a (4x4) Weapon Box, a (5x5) Weapon Box, Grenade Spawns, and a large amount of loose Cash and Weapon Mod spawns.
- Key to IDEA Cast Register [IDEA].
- Where to find it? - North of the IDEA store, on the seat of a White Bus, on the Interchange map. Marked as "2" on our map (please note that the in-game map of the Interchange is not laid out properly when it comes to points of the compass (north is at the bottom of the map that shows Interchange's outsides and on the left-hand side of the map that shows mall's inside).
- What does it open? - All IDEA's Cash Registers that are located in the store's front.
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - Registers contain Roubles (from 560 to 1150) and there are 20 of them in the IDEA store.
- Key to OLI Cast Register [OLI].
- Where to find it? - In the back of the OLI Store located on the Interchange map; in one of the OLI's offices, on a table.
- What does it open? - All OLI's Cash Registers that are located in the store's front.
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - Registers contain Roubles (from 560 to 1150) and there are 18 of them in the OLI store.
- RB-MP21 Key [RB-MP21].
- Where to find it? - Inside the Power Substation area, located west of the Idea Store, close to the Power Plant Extraction point (north-western part of the Interchange map); inside the bathroom, on the wooden drawer.
- What does it open? - A door located on the second floor of the Eastern Repair Point Building on the Reserve map (White Knight).
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - A "Folder with Intelligence", a (4x4) Weapon Box, a lootable Toolbox, two Drawers, a Weapon Rack, some loose loot (including ammo and weapon mods), and a 6-STEN-140-M Military Battery.
- RB-OP Key [RB-OP].
- Where to find it? - On the Interchange map, inside the mall, on the first floor, inside the Generic store (just next to KIBA, close to Pretty Lights and Brutal).
- What does it open? - The basement of the Airspace Control Center (White King building), on the Reserve map.
- What loot can be found in the locked area? -A lootable Drawer and a "Folder with intelligence" that should lay on the desk.
Key Spawns Map of the Lab |
- Lab. Yellow Keycard [Yellow].
- Where to find it? - There are three locations: 1 - The Lab's second level, inside the room R24 (Cafeteria), on a center table near the window that overlooks R21 (Reception); 2 - Room O21 (Main Working Area) on the Lab's second level, the Card lays on a conference table; 3 - Inside the room O11 (Main Working Area) on the Lab's first level, the card spawns on one of the work stations present in the room. "1" on the map.
- What does it open? - The door that secures the control panel of Parking Garage's alarm system (Room Y21 - Security).
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - Some weapon mod spawn locations, a lootable Drawer, a PC Block, and a Weapon Safe. Moreover, the Control Panel can be used to deactivate the automatic announcement that plays after the Parking Extraction is activated.
- Lab. Black Keycard [Black].
- Where to find it? - There are three possible spawn locations in the Lab: 1 - Inside the room O11 (Main Working Area) on the Lab's first level, the card spawns on the large scientific supplies table; 2 - Inside the Room G22 (Sterile Laboratory), next to the computer. Lab. Green Keycard is needed to access the room; Room O22 (Offices and Laboratories) on a computer desk. All marked as "2" on our Lab's map.
- What does it open? - The Room G12 (Test Room; Lab. experiments area) on the Lab's first level.
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - Some loose medical supplies and one lootable Medcase.
- Lab. Green Keycard [Green].
- Where to find it? - There are three spawn locations: 1 - Next to the Room G11 (Infirmary Lvl. 1), on a desk; 2 - Inside the main working area of Lab's second level (O21), on manager office's reception desk; 3 - in a back part of the hallway that leads to the Room R23 (Security). on a shelf on the right-hand side. All three locations were marked with "3" on our map.
- What does it open? - The Room G22 (Sterile Laboratory) on the Lab's second level.
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - A possible MP5 submachine gun, some weapon mods, a single (4x4) Weapon Box, Lab. Black Keycard, medical supplies, and a lootable Medcase.
- Lab. Key. Manager Office [Lk.MO].
- Where to find it? - There are three possible spawns: 1 - Parking Garage (Y11), inside the SUV that has a Weapon Box in its trunk, check the passenger's seat; Room O13 (Negotiation Room) on a desk, just next to the room's entrance (left-hand side); Room O22, next to the powered laptop. All spawn locations were marked with "4" on our Lab map.
- What does it open? - Manager's Office on the Lab's second level (O21 - the main doors).
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - 4 rare loot spawn locations, a single (6x3) Weapon Box, a Safe, a PC Block, and a Drawer.
- Lab. Key. Testing Area (Weap.) [Lk.TA(w)].
- Where to find it? - Three places inside the Lab: 1 - Near the Room's R23 entrance (left-hand side), on a shelf; Above the Server Room on the Lab's second level (B21), look for it on the kitchen counter; Inside the Gym (R15) on the Lab's first level, on a stool. Spawns were marked as number 5 on our Lab map.
- What does it open? - The Room O11 (Weapon Testing facility) on the Lab's first level.
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - Some loose ammunition and weapon mods, random weapons, and two Weapon Boxes (5x5) and (4x4).
Key Spawns Map of Reserve |
- RB-TB Key [RB-TB].
- Where to find it? - On the roof of the train extract building (White Rook building), next to the sleeping bag that lays close to the sandbags. The spawn area overlooks A and B Guard buildings. The spawn is marked with "1" on our map.
- What does it open? - A room in the "Black Pawn" building's (barracks) basement, on the north end.
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - A lot of loose loot, including ammunition and weapon mods, and three Weapon Racks that can spawn rifles from the AK-74 series.
- RB-AK Key [RB-AK].
- Where to find it? - Near Reserve's weather station (White Queen/Dome area). Look inside the Guard Shack (the unlocked one), key spawns inside the file cabinet. The Shack is marked with the number "2" on our Reserve map.
- What does it open? - Door in the southern apartment building, in front of the staircase (building located south of the Pawn area; south of the Helicopter).
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - Some ammunition boxes, a Phased array element, Virtex programmable processor, a lootable Sport Bag, some loose loot, and two PC Blocks.
- RB-ORB2 Key [RB-ORB2].
- Where to find it? - In Reserve's northern barracks building (White Pawn building), on a locker near the Radar station tunnel. Marked as "3" on our Reserve map.
- What does it open? - A Grate Door on the second floor of the north barracks building (enter from the left-hand side of the building) on Reserve.
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - A (5x2) Weapon Box, a (4x4) Weapon Box, a Drawer, and some loose weapon mods and ammunition spawns.
- RB-PS81 Key [RB-PS81].
- Where to find it? - Inside of the "White Bishop" building (south of the "White King"), in the basement, on a chair. The key location was marked as "4" on the map.
- What does it open? - Locked areas of the Underground Storage Bunkers on the Reserve map, south of the Train Extract (Hangar A and Hangar B).
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - A single Technical Supply Crate, one Ration Supply Crate, and two Medical Supply Crates.
Key Spawns Map of Shoreline |
- East Wing Room 205 Key [San.205].
- Where to find it? - The fenced-off area above the stream, just north of the Shoreline's Health Resort. The key spawns on a cardboard box. Spawn location is marked as "1" on our map.
- What does it open? - Room 205 on the second floor of Health Resort's East Wing, Shoreline.
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - Weapon spawns (AKM and AKS-74UB), loose Cash, medical supplies, a Weapon Cabinet, two Weapon Boxes (5x2 and 4x4), and some random rare loot spawns.
- West Wing Room 218 Key [San.218].
- Where to find it? - Inside the Admin building of the Shoreline's Health Resort; in the toilet on the second floor (toilet door is near the pool table), the spawn is located inside a locker.
- What does it open? - Room 218 on the second floor of Health Resort's West Wing, Shoreline.
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - Loose ammunition, food, and Cash spawn, possible weapon spawns (RSASS and VSS), two Weapon Cabinets, the Lab. Red Keycard (one of The Best EfT Keys, or at least one of the most expensive).
- Office 107 East Wing Key [San.107].
- Where to find it? - Inside the Admin building of the Shoreline's Health Resort; look inside the band room on the second floor (chair in the first row).
- What does it open? - Office 107 on the first floor of Health Resort's East Wing, Shoreline.
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - some loose loot (electronics, medical supplies, and money), the LEDX Skin Transilluminator, lootable Sport Bag, a single Medcase, and a Medbag.
- West Wing Room 216 Key [San.216].
- Where to find it? - Inside Shoreline's Health Resort, on the second floor of the theatre building, on a desk.
- What does it open? - Room 216 on the second floor of Health Resort's West Wing, Shoreline.
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - Loaded M4A1 magazines, medical supplies, computer parts, M4A1 rifle, two Grenade Boxes, one Weapon Box (4x4) and a Weapon Box (5x2).
- West Wing Room 303 Key [San.303].
- Where to find it? - In the Gazebo located behind Shoreline's Health Resort area (to the north-west). Look for it on a box. The spawn location is marked as "5" on our Shoreline map.
- What does it open? - Room 303 on the third floor of Health Resort's West Wing, Shoreline (the room is always open, however, which means that this key if of rather little value).
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - Jaeger's photo album (if the Quest Nostalgia is active) hidden in the drawer of the bedside table. Please note that the key to the room is not required to complete the quest (room 303 is never closed).
- Key to Pharmacy [Pharmacy].
- Where to find it? - Inside the Shoreline's Health Resort, in the West Wing, on the first floor; in Room 101, on the desk.
- What does it open? - The Pharmacy at Interchange's Ultra shopping mall (northern part of the building, west of IDEA's registers).
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - Saline Solution, Hydrogen Peroxide, some medical supplies.
- Lab. Red Keycard [Red}.
- Where to find it? - There are three spawn locations on Shoreline: 1 - Room 221 on the second floor of Health Resort's East Wing, on the table with a laptop; 2 - Room 218 on the second floor of Health Resort's West Wing, on a water barrel; 3 - In Health Resort's gym, located in the basement of the West Wing.
- What does it open? - Room R23 inside the Lab (second level, Laboratory's security arsenal).
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - Folder with intelligence spawn, antiques spawns, weapon spawns (M4A1, M4A1 SOPMOD II, MP5), weapon mod spawns, ammunition spawns.
- Lab. Blue Keycard [Blue].
- Where to find it? - There are three spawn locations on the Shoreline map: 1 - Office 112 on the first floor of Health Resort's West Wing, on a cabinet, next to a TV; 2 - Office 104 on the first floor of Health Resort's West Wing, on the desk; In an ambulance that is parked in front of the Resort - look for the Keycard from the passenger's door side.
- What does it open? - The G11 Room in the Lab (the quarantine zone on the first level).
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - A lootable Medcase and some loose medical supplies.
- East Wing Room 226 Key [San.226].
- Where to find it? - There are two places: 1 - A Key Rack near Health Resort East Wing's central staircase (on the second floor); 2 - On the Scav Island, on a table that has an outboard motor on it.
- What does it open? - Room 226 on the second floor of Health Resort's East Wing, Shoreline.
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - (You can get access to Room 222 through Room 226); Weapon spawns (MP5, RSASS, SV-98, MP-153), the LEDX Skin Transilluminator, a Toolbox, two Weapon Boxes (6x3) (one in each room), some loose items (Cash, Food, Medical Supplies, Rare Items), a Weapon Rack, and a Gun Locker (on the Room's 222 balcony). As you can see from the loot, this is one of The Best Tarkov Keys that you can take to a Shoreline Raid in early-to-mid game.
- Health Resort Utility Room Key [Storeroom].
- Where to find it? - On Health Resort's second floor, In the janitor's closet close to the East Wing Admin staircase (look underneath the key locker).
- What does it open? - Three utility rooms in the Shoreline's Health Resort: 1 - Utility Room next to Room 327 on the third floor, West Wing; 2 - Utility Room next to Room 227 on the second floor, West Wing; 3 - Utility Room next to Room 328 on the third floor, East Wing. The key is also used in the quest "Wet Job - Part 5".
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - Industrial Items and some possible rare loot.
- Key to OLI Administrator Office [OLI Office].
- Where to find it? - Room 322 on the third floor of Shoreline Health Resort's East Wing; look for it on the table.
- What does it open? - OLI's administrator office (western part of the OLI Hardware Store, inside the shopping mall on the Interchange), next to the OLI logistics office, across the restrooms.
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - Some possible loose loot, and a single PC Block.
- Office 112 West Wing Key [San. 112].
- Where to find it? - At the Shoreline's Bus Depot (close to the Health Resort - to the south-east of it), inside the Bus - look for the key on one of the seats.
- What does it open? - Office 112 on the first floor of Health Resort's West Wing, Shoreline. This key is also needed for the quest "Vitamins - Part 1".
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - A Lab. Blue Keycard, two lootable Sports Bags, and some loose loot (food and drink).
- West Wing Room 220 Key [San.220].
- Where to find it? - Shoreline's Estate area, in the unlocked villa; inside the key cabinet. The spawn area is marked as "13" on our Shoreline map.
- What does it open? - Room 220 on the second floor of Health Resort's West Wing, Shoreline. The key is also used in the "Spa Tour - Part 4" Quest.
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - Some loose loot (including jewelry and Bitcoins), two (5x2) Weapon Boxes, and a single (4x4) Weapon Box.
- Cottage Back Entrance Key [Cottage].
- Where to find it? - Shoreline's Estate area, in the cottage's backyard (look for it on top of one of the water barrels that lay there).
- What does it open? - The cottage's back door.
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - Some loose Money, a lootable jacket (with a chance to drop the Marked Key), Two Safes (but one of them is locked - you will need the Cottage Safe Key to open it; the appropriate key is marked with the number 19 on our list), a Gun Cabinet, and a PC Block.
- SMW Car Key [SMW].
- Where to find it? - Shoreline's Construction Site, near the Estate Area; look for it on top of a box that lays near the locked villa.
- What does it open? - The trunk of a car that is parked by the unlocked villa in the Shoreline's Estate area.
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - Some provisions (food and drink), a Weapon spawn.
- Office 104 West Wing Key [San.104].
- Where to find it? - Shoreline's Power Plant, south of the Health Resort; inside of a locker located in the smaller Plant building. The key location is marked as "16" on our map.
- What does it open? - Office 104 on the first floor of Health Resort's West Wing, Shoreline.
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - Lab. Blue Keycard spawn, the LEDX Skin Transilluminator spawn, some possible loose loot, including Money and medical supplies.
- East Wing Room 222 Key [San.222].
- Where to find it? - Shoreline's Power Plant, south of the Health Resort; on the first floor of the Power Station building, sitting on a chair. Spawn location is marked as "17" on the map.
- What does it open? - Room 222 on the second floor of Health Resort's East Wing, Shoreline (also grants access to Room 226, as both these rooms share a balcony).
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - Inside of Room 222: some loose loot (provisions and cash), MP-153 Shotgun, the LEDX Skin Transilluminator, one Gun Locker and a single (6x3) Weapon Box. Inside Room 226 (access through balcony): three Weapon spawns (MP5, SV-98, and RSASS), some loose rare items, a Toolbox, a Grenade Box, Weapon Box (6x3), and a Weapon Rack. Just like Room 226 Key, San.222 is one of The Best EfT Keys to bring on an early game Shoreline Raid (you get loot from two rooms for the price of one).
- West Wing Room 203 Key [San.203].
- Where to find it? - In the Town/Village area of the Shoreline map; Inside the house closest to the bus stop. The key lays on a chair, close to two lootable jackets.
- What does it open? - Room 203 on the second floor of Health Resort's West Wing, Shoreline (also grants access to Room 205, as both these rooms share a balcony).
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - Some loose loot (Cash, medical supplies), a lootable Sports Bag, a Toolbox, Weapon Box (5x2), an AR, a single Medcase, and a Medbag SMU06.
- Cottage Safe Key [Safe].
- Where to find it? - In the Town/Village area of the Shoreline map; inside the Bus that is located next to the tank. Look for it on one of the seats on the right-hand side.
- What does it open? - The Safe in Shoreline's locked villa (in the Estates' area, second floor).
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - Contents of one locked Safe.
- West Wing Room 301 Key [San.301].
- Where to find it? - On the Shoreline map; west of the Shoreline Bunker, just east of the Tunnel, near the Broken Road. Look for it inside the yellow bus, on one of the left-hand side seats.
- What does it open? - Room 301 on the third floor of Health Resort's West Wing, Shoreline (also grants access to Room 304, as both these rooms share a balcony).
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - Room 301: some loose loot, and the LEDX Skin Transilluminator. Room 304: SV-98 Sniper Rifle spawn, some loose loot (medical supplies, some cash, and computer parts, two PC Blocks, a (5x5) Weapon Box.
- Health Resort Room 321 Safe Key [Safe 321].
- Where to find it? - On the Shoreline map, in the Weather Station area; look for it in the locker that can be found in the Station's tower. The key spawn location was marked as "21" on our Shoreline map.
- What does it open? - Safe located in Room 321 on the third floor of Health Resort's West Wing, Shoreline.
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - Contents of a single locked Safe.
- East Wing Room 328 Key [San328].
- Where to find it? - On the Shoreline's Scav Island, on a table that has an outboard motor on it.
- What does it open? - Room 328 on the third floor of Health Resort's East Wing, Shoreline. The key is also used in the "Wet Job- Part 5" Quest.
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - A Weapon spawn, some loose loot (Cash and weapon mods), the LEDX Skin Traansilluminator, a lootable Sports Bag, and a PC Block.
- West Wing Room 221 Key [San.221].
- Where to find it? - On Shoreline's... shoreline; west of the Lighthouse and south of the gas station, on a beach chair, close to an umbrella. The location is marked as "23" on our Shoreline map.
- What does it open? - Room 221 on the second floor of Health Resort's West Wing, Shoreline (also grants access to Rooms 222 and 218, as all three of these rooms share the same balcony).
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - Some loose loot, a Weapon spawn (M4A1 or M1A), a single (6x3) Weapon Box.
- East Wing Room 206 Key [San.206].
- Where to find it? - On the Shoreline map, just south-east of the gas station, close to the Marina. Look for it in the trunk of the SUV that is parked there. Number "24" marks the key spawn location on our map.
- What does it open? - Room 206 on the second floor of Health Resort's East Wing, Shoreline (also grants access to Room 205, as both these rooms share the same balcony).
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - Room 206: Some loose loot (medical supplies and possibly rare items), Weapon spawns (AKS-74UB, AKM), and two Weapon Boxes (one 4x4 and one 5x2). Room 205: Some Cash, a Medcase, lootable Sports Bag, and a Weapon Cabinet.
- West Wing Room 219 Key [San.219].
- Where to find it? - There are two spawn locations on the Shoreline map: 1 - just south-east of the gas station, close to the Marina. Look for it in the trunk of the SUV that is parked there (same as San.206); 2 - at the end of the Marina, inside Shoreline's Lighthouse. Look for it on the second floor, on top of a broken wooden box. Both spawn locations are marked as "25" on our map.
- What does it open? - Room 219 on the second floor of Health Resort's West Wing, Shoreline (also grants access to Room 220, as both these rooms share the same balcony). The key is used in the "Spa Tour - Part 4" Quest.
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - Some loose loot (medical supplies, ammunition, money), an Armor Vest spawn, one Weapon Box (6x3), and a Weapon Cabinet.
- West Wing Room 205 Key [San.205].
- Where to find it? - There are two spawn locations on the Shoreline map: 1 - In the office building on the Marina; the key lays on the ground close to Drawers, near one of the building entrances; 2 - at the end of the Marina, inside Shoreline's Lighthouse. Look for it on the second floor, on top of a broken wooden box.
- What does it open? - Room 205 on the second floor of Health Resort's West Wing, Shoreline (also grants access to Room 203, as both these rooms share the same balcony).
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - Some loose loot (medical supplies, provisions), The LEDX Skin Transilluminator, a Medcase, and a Toolbox.
- RB-AO Key [RB-AO].
- Where to find it? - On the Shoreline map, north of the Health Resort. Look for it in the North Bunker, close to a river. The key lays on the bed. Its location was marked as "27" on our Shoreline map.
- What does it open? - Locked part of the Military Guard Barracks on the Reserve map; close to the White Rook building.
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - Some loose Weapon Mods and multiple Weapon spawns (AK-74 series of rifles).
Key Spawns Map of Woods |
- East Wing Room 308 Key [San.308].
- Where to find it? - In the middle of the Woods map; in the Cabin closest to the Yotota truck. Look for the key on the nightstand between the beds. The key location is marked as "1" on our Woods map.
- What does it open? - Room 308 on the third floor of Health Resort's East Wing, Shoreline (also grants access to Room 306, as both these rooms share the same balcony).
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - Room 308: Some loose loot (Cash and provisions), a Medcase, a Weapon Rack and a possible Weapon spawn. Room 306: Some loose loot (Cash, provisions, rare items), a Backpack, Weapon Box (4x4), Four PC Blocks, and a DVL-10 Sniper Rifle spawn.
- Lab. Violet Keycard [Violet].
- Where to find it? - In the middle of the Woods map, north of the lumber camp, Inside the Brick House. Look for the key on a table, next to an opened book. The key location is marked with the number "2" on our Woods key spawn map.
- What does it open? - Room R23 at the Lab's second level (Laboratory security post). The Lab. Violet Keycard is still one of the most expensive Tarkov Keys, despite the introduction of Reserve.
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - Some loose item spawns, Weapon spawns (M4A1, MP5SD), Money, three Weapon Boxes (Two 5x5 and one 4x4), multiple weapon mod spawns, a Military COFDM Wireless Signal Transmitter, and the VXP Flash Storage Module.
- East Wing Room 314 Key [San.314].
- Where to find it? - On the Woods map, at the Checkpoint that is located on the road that leads east. Look for the key on a wooden stool, beside the Drawer. The key location is marked as "3" on the map.
- What does it open? - Room 314 on the third floor of Health Resort's East Wing, Shoreline (also grants access to Room 313, as both these rooms share the same balcony).
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - Room 314: Some loose loot (medical supplies, money, and weapon mods), a Weapon spawn, and a Weapon Box (5x2). Room 313: Some loose loot (medical supplies, weapon mods, money), a Medbaag SMU06, and a Weapon Box (6x3).
- East Wing Room 316 Key [San316].
- Where to find it? - On the Woods map, western side of the lake; Look for a minivan that has crashed close to a rock. The key lays in the suitcase close to minivan's trunk. the key's spawn location is marked as "4" on our Woods map.
- What does it open? - Room 316 on the third floor of Health Resort's East Wing, Shoreline.
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - A single weapon attachment spawn, an SV-98 Sniper Rifle, one Mdbag, and two Weapon Boxes (5x2 and 6x3).
- RB-BK Key [RB-BK].
- Where to find it? - On the Woods map, inside the Shturman's Stash. The Stash is located in the middle of the map, inside of the Lumbercamp, on a tire, next to a log pile (location marked as "5" on our map). Please note that Shtruman's Key is needed to open it.
- What does it open? - A locked room in the Black Pawn building on Reserve. Locked doors are located in the building's basement.
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - Weapon/Ammunition/Grenade containers, multiple possible Weapon Spawns, some loose rare loot.
- RB-ORB2 Key [RB-ORB2].
- Where to find it? - In the northern part of the Woods map, next to the RUAF Roadblock. Look for the key on a table next to the tank. The key spawn location is marked as "6" on our Woods map.
- What does it open? - A Grate Door on the second floor of the north barracks building (enter from the left-hand side of the building) on Reserve.
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - A (4x4) Weapon Box, a (5x2) Weapon Box, a Drawer, and some loose weapon mods and ammunition spawns.
Keys that can be found in Bags and Pockets of Scavs
- USEC Stash on CUSTOMS Key [USEC].
- What does it open? - Opens two locked doors in the Customs' Repair Shop.
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - Two weapon Boxes (4x4), Weapon Box (5x2), Weapon Crate (5x2).
- Dorm Room 315 Key [315 Key].
- What does it open? - Room 315 on the third floor of the three-story Dorm building on the Customs map.
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - Some loose loot.
- Marked Key [Mark.Key].
- What does it open? - Room 314 on the third floor of the three-story Dorm building on the Customs map (The Marked Room). The key is needed in "The Cult - Part 2" Quest.
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - Rare item spawns, possible Weapon spawns.
- Dorm Room 308 Key [308 Key].
- What does it open? - Room 308 on the third floor of the three-story Dorm building on the Customs map.
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - Some Cash (Roubles).
- Dorm Room 306 Key [306 Key].
- What does it open? - Room 306 on the third floor of the three-story Dorm building on the Customs map.
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - Some Cash (Roubles).
- Dorm Room 303 Key [303 Key].
- What does it open? - Room 303 on the third floor of the three-story Dorm building on the Customs map.
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - Some Weapon spawns, a Weapon Crate. This is the "Golden Swag" Quest location.
- Dorm Room 218 Key [Room 218 Key].
- What does it open? - Room 218 on the second floor of the three-story Dorm building on the Customs map.
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - Weapon and Weapon Mod spawns.
- Dorm Room 118 Key [Room 118 Key].
- What does it open? - Room 118 on the first floor of the three-story Dorm building on the Customs map.
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - Two lootable Jackets.
- Dorm Room 108 Key [108 Key].
- What does it open? - Room 108 on the first floor of the three-story Dorm building on the Customs map.
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - Lootable Drawer, a PC Block.
- Dorm Room 103 Key [103 Key].
- What does it open? - Room 103 on the first floor of the three-story Dorm building on the Customs map.
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - Some loose loot (provisions).
- Dorm Room 206 Key [206 Key].
- What does it open? - Room 206 on the second floor of the two-story Dorm building on the Customs map.
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - Nothing. This is the "Operation Aquarius - Part 1" Quest location.
- Dorm Room 105 Key [105 Key].
- What does it open? - Room 105 on the first floor of the two-story Dorm building on the Customs map (in the fenced-off section; access only through the south entrance door on the first floor).
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - A Safe.
- Door Key (Alternative) [Key].
- What does it open? - Pumping Station on the Factory map.
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - Some loose loot. This is an optional location for the Quest "Sanitary Standards - Part 1".
- RB-PS82 Key [RB-PS82].
- What does it open? - One of the Grate Doors in Reserve's storage bunkers (south of the station; marked as "A" on the in-game map).
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - Four lootable Ration Supply Crates.
- RB-PSP2 Key [RB-PSP2].
- What does it open? - One of the Grate Doors in Reserve's storage bunkers (south of the station; marked as "A" on the in-game map).
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - Four lootable Ration Supply Crates.
- RB-PSP1 Key [RB-PSP1].
- What does it open? - One of the Grate Doors in Reserve's storage bunkers (south of the station; marked as "A" on the in-game map).
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - Some loose loot (provisions and Fuel), a Toolbox, one Technical Supply Crate, one Medical Supply Crate, and Four Ration Supply Crates.
- RB-VO Key [RB-VO].
- What does it open? - Left Room of the "Guard B" building in the Military Barracks area on the Reserve map (close to the White Rook building).
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - Some rare loose loot.
- RB-ORB1 Key [RB-ORB1].
- What does it open? - The locked door on the fourth floor of the White Pawn barracks on Reserve.
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - Two Drawers, loose loot (ammunition, Weapon mods), three Weapon Racks.
- RB-AM Key [RB-AM].
- What does it open? - The locked door on the first floor of the Black Bishop building on Reserve (the building's west end).
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - Lootable Jacket, a Wooden Crate, three Toolboxes, and some loose loot (Weapon mods, tools, and building materials).
- RB-OB Key [RB-OB].
- What does it open? - The locked door on the third floor of the East barracks on Reserve (the southern part of the building).
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - Folder With Intelligence spawn, a lootable Drawer.
- RB-MP13 Key [RB-MP13].
- What does it open? - The locked door on the first floor of the Repair Point building (White Knight building) on the Reserve map.
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - Folder With Intelligence spawn, 6-STEN-140-M Military Battery spawn, a lootable Drawer, some loose tools.
- RB-MP22 Key [RB-MP22].
- What does it open? - The locked door on the second floor of the Repair Point building (White Knight building) on the Reserve map.
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - A Toolbox, 6-STEN-140-M Military Battery spawn, one Wooden Ammo Box, two Weapon Racks, some loose loot (Weapon mods and tools).
- RB-ST Key [RB-ST].
- What does it open? - The locked door in the Garages of the Repair Point Buildings on the Reserve map (Knight area).
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - Car/Tank batteries, two Grenade Boxes, one Weapon Box (6x3), one Weapon Box (5x5), one Weapon Box (5x2), some loose loot (electronics, ammunition, and Weapon mods).
- RB-PP Key [RB-PP].
- What does it open? - The locked door in the Garages of the Repair Point Buildings (on the ground floor) on the Reserve map (Knight area).
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - Tools and a locker.
- RB-KSM Key [RB-KSM].
- What does it open? - A locked door on the second floor of the White Bishop Building on the Reserve map.
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - Lootable Sports bag, some loose loot (medical supplies).
- RB-SMP Key [RB-SMP].
- What does it open? - A locked door on the second floor of the White Bishop Building on the Reserve map.
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - Loose loot (medical supplies).
- RB-RH Key [RB-RH].
- What does it open? - A locked door on the third floor of the White Queen Building on the Reserve map.
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - Two lootable Drawers, one Weapon Box, a Weapon Rack, and Weapon spawns.
- RB-GN Key [RB-GN].
- What does it open? - A locked door in the basement of the White King Building on Reserve.
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - Two Toolboxes.
- RB-RS Key {RB-RS].
- What does it open? - A locked door on the second floor of the Reserve's Radar Station (White Queen building).
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - Two Toolboxes, some loose loot.
- What does it open? - Locked Guard Building in the Reserve's Radar Station (Queen).
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - Weapon Box (5x2), Weapon Cabinet, Safe, a Standing Weapon Safe, small money Safe.
- What does it open? - A locked door on the second floor of the Reserve's Radar Station (White Queen building).
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - A Folder With Intelligence spawn, two lootable Drawers.
- Key to HEP Station Storage {HEPS].
- What does it open? - A locked door on the second floor of the Power Station on the Shoreline map.
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - Weapon Box (4x4), Weapon Box (6x3), some loose Weapon mods.
- Health Resort Warehouse Safe Key [Safe].
- What does it open? - Locked Safe on the second floor of the Health Resort's Admin Building, Shoreline.
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - Contents of one Safe.
- Health Resort Management Office Safe Key [Safe].
- What does it open? - Locked Safe in one of the Health Resort's Admin Building's Offices, Shoreline.
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - Contents of one Safe.
- Shturman Key [KSH](Drops only from Shturman, a Scav Boss that spawns on the Woods map).
- What does it open? - Shturman's Stash on the Woods map (in the Lumber Yard, close to a Wood Pile near the red Warehouse).
- What loot can be found in the locked area? - Contents of one Common Fund Stash.
Keys are among the most valuable loot that you can get in the Escape from Tarkov. We hope that, with a little help from our guide, you will greatly increase your chances of finding them during Raids. Удачной охоты PMC.
We hope that you have found this guide useful and informative. If we have missed a key spawn that you know of, please let us know! Also, we will be happy to receive constructive criticism that will help us improve our future work so leave your suggestions in the comments section below. We will be updating this article with the Key Locations on the Streets of Tarkov Map as soon as it becomes available!
Pictures used in this article are the intellectual property of the Battlestate Games.
Where Does the Idea Cash Register Key Spawn
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