How to Create a Csv File in Python

Writing CSV files in Python

CSV (Comma Separated Values) is a simple file format used to store tabular data, such as a spreadsheet or database. CSV file stores tabular data (numbers and text) in plain text. Each line of the file is a data record. Each record consists of one or more fields, separated by commas. The use of the comma as a field separator is the source of the name for this file format.

Python provides an in-built module called csv to work with CSV files. There are various classes provided by this module for writing to CSV:

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  • Using csv.writer class
  • Using csv.DictWriter class

Using csv.writer class

csv.writer class is used to insert data to the CSV file. This class returns a writer object which is responsible for converting the user's data into a delimited string. A csvfile object should be opened with newline='' otherwise newline characters inside the quoted fields will not be interpreted correctly.

Syntax: csv.writer(csvfile, dialect='excel', **fmtparams)

csvfile: A file object with write() method.
dialect (optional): Name of the dialect to be used.
fmtparams (optional): Formatting parameters that will overwrite those specified in the dialect.

csv.writer class provides two methods for writing to CSV. They are writerow() and writerows().

  • writerow(): This method writes a single row at a time. Field row can be written using this method.


  • writerows(): This method is used to write multiple rows at a time. This can be used to write rows list.


    Writing CSV files in Python writerows(rows)              


import csv

fields = [ 'Name' , 'Branch' , 'Year' , 'CGPA' ]

rows = [ [ 'Nikhil' , 'COE' , '2' , '9.0' ],

[ 'Sanchit' , 'COE' , '2' , '9.1' ],

[ 'Aditya' , 'IT' , '2' , '9.3' ],

[ 'Sagar' , 'SE' , '1' , '9.5' ],

[ 'Prateek' , 'MCE' , '3' , '7.8' ],

[ 'Sahil' , 'EP' , '2' , '9.1' ]]

filename = "university_records.csv"

with open (filename, 'w' ) as csvfile:

csvwriter = csv.writer(csvfile)





Using csv.DictWriter class

This class returns a writer object which maps dictionaries onto output rows.

Syntax: csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames, restval=", extrasaction='raise', dialect='excel', *args, **kwds)

csvfile: A file object with write() method.
fieldnames: A sequence of keys that identify the order in which values in the dictionary should be passed.
restval (optional): Specifies the value to be written if the dictionary is missing a key in fieldnames.
extrasaction (optional): If a key not found in fieldnames, the optional extrasaction parameter indicates what action to take. If it is set to raise a ValueError will be raised.
dialect (optional): Name of the dialect to be used.

csv.DictWriter provides two methods for writing to CSV. They are:

  • writeheader(): writeheader() method simply writes the first row of your csv file using the pre-specified fieldnames.


  • writerows(): writerows method simply writes all the rows but in each row, it writes only the values(not keys).




import csv

mydict = [{ 'branch' : 'COE' , 'cgpa' : '9.0' , 'name' : 'Nikhil' , 'year' : '2' },

{ 'branch' : 'COE' , 'cgpa' : '9.1' , 'name' : 'Sanchit' , 'year' : '2' },

{ 'branch' : 'IT' , 'cgpa' : '9.3' , 'name' : 'Aditya' , 'year' : '2' },

{ 'branch' : 'SE' , 'cgpa' : '9.5' , 'name' : 'Sagar' , 'year' : '1' },

{ 'branch' : 'MCE' , 'cgpa' : '7.8' , 'name' : 'Prateek' , 'year' : '3' },

{ 'branch' : 'EP' , 'cgpa' : '9.1' , 'name' : 'Sahil' , 'year' : '2' }]

fields = [ 'name' , 'branch' , 'year' , 'cgpa' ]

filename = "university_records.csv"

with open (filename, 'w' ) as csvfile:

writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames = fields)





How to Create a Csv File in Python


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