Canadian College of Acupuncture & Traditional Chinese Medicine Ltd

"To innovate, one must follow the ancients first;
To practice virtue, one must perfect skills with sincerity."
JJTCMC ethos
JJTCMC's official pass rate for the 2020 October and 2021 April computerized Pan-Canadian MCQ and CCS Exams is:100%
We offer clinical and classroom training in all areas of practice that can be found in a Chinese TCM hospital:
Internal Medicine, Gynecology, External Medicine, Pediatrics, Orthopedics, Traumatology, Dermatology, Otorhinolaryngology and Ophthalmology
During clinical practice, we guarantee that students will gain exposure to an extensive range of illnesses, for example:
Paralysis, tumors, cancer, stroke, autism, COPD, cardiovascular diseases, infertility, PCOS, epilepsy, ADHD, rheumatoid arthritis, depression, angina, cerebral palsy, chronic gastritis, psoriasis, infantile eczema, trigeminal myalgia, autoimmune diseases
When our graduates encounter tough cases in their practice, they know they can drop us a line or give us a call so we can share ideas and provide guidance.
We also invite renowned professors and TCM masters from China to deliver onsite seminars ranging from the classics through to the state-of-the-art in clinic.
A key aspect of our mandate is to provide authentic Chinese university quality education.
As a result, our senior TCM faculty are backed by 20+ years of clinical expertise, an education from prestigious TCM Universities in China, and years of practice as doctors in a TCM Hospital in China. Our senior Faculty members teach more than 80% of programme courses.
Course auditing at no cost until graduation means you can re-attend completed courses as a refresher.
We also welcome long-distance learners to remotely attend select theoretical lectures through our E-Learning platform
Core Programs
TCM Acupuncture Diploma
Full-time: 2 years
Part-time: up to 4 years
Program hour: 2120
Clinical hours: 545
TCM Diploma
Full-time: 3 years
Part-time: up to 5 years
Program hour: 2660
Clinical hours: 560
R.Ac to R.TCMP Diploma
Years: 1.5-2
Classroom hours: Case-specific
RMT/PT/D.C Acupuncture Certificate
Months: 6-9
Classroom hours: 225
Practical hours: 75

Vanessa Foteu
I am a graduate of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Program at JJTCMC from 2018. John, Jenny, Jessica and staff are very knowlegable and caring. They care about all their students and want them to become excellent practitioners. They are very passionate about Chinese Medicine and you can feel that in the school. They gave me excellent hands on training in the school by allowing me to job shadow John (who has been a Chinese Medicine Pratitioner since the 1980s) and by me treating patients in the student clinic. I feel very confident in what I learned at the school and now I work in clinic, teach classes and tutor. I have no trouble recommending the school as I feel it has become like a second home.
Authentic Instruction
Accessible Education
Clinical and Academic Excellence
News & Resources
What is the best TCM or Acupuncture School?
John & Jenny Traditional Chinese Medicine College (JJTCMC) provides the following as a guide to what makes the best Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture school, college, or program. If you find yourself navigating a sea of dizzying options, it is our hope that what follows provides you with your direction.
Access to TCM Research Journals
Interested in free online access to a repository of TCM Research papers? Look no further!
WeChat Official Account
We welcome you to join us in our official WeChat Account; scan the QR code above or simply click below. See you there.
3 Day Free Trial
At JJTCMC, we know that committing to a course of study at a new school is a big deal. We want you to know with certainty that you are in the right place before you even start your first class. As a result, we welcome all prospective students to take full advantage of our free trial: choose any 3 days from the current term's timetable and sit in on all scheduled classes. Watch, listen and get a feel for how we do things at JJTCMC. We're confident you'll like what you see. Our staff will also be happy to take you for a school tour and answer any questions that may arise during your trial.
Canadian College of Acupuncture & Traditional Chinese Medicine Ltd
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